Why Study Physical Education?
Physical Education helps pupils to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies to live a healthy and active life. Pupils are encouraged to learn all aspects of physical activity to increase their agility, balance and co-ordination in sports.
Pupil Voice
“I had never considered sport as a career but this course has made me think that I could be a trainer or instructor and I am determined to be successful.”
Who teaches it?
Elliott Caswell-James teaches Physical Education.
How is it taught?
You will have two 70-minute lessons a work a week, one theory-based that supports a second comprising of practical activities.
What do we learn?
Pupils will develop a personal training plan to improve personal fitness. They will improve skills and be assessed in three sports as well as learning how to be healthy and safe when training or performing.
Where could it lead?
- Fitness Trainer
- Sports Nutritionist
- Sports Psychologist
- Personal Trainer
- Occupational Therapist