Positive Destinations at the ContinU Plus Academy
At the ContinU Plus Academy one of the many ways that we judge our success is by measuring the proportions of our pupils that go on to meaningful education, employment or training when they leave us.
Pupils that join us are often following a learning trajectory that could result in them achieving no qualifications at all, dropping out of school and having very little to aspire to as a result.
We are extremely proud that we are able to reverse this downward trend, increase attendance, self-esteem and equip our pupils with the skills and qualifications required to succeed beyond the age of 16/17.
Destinations of CPA pupils leaving in July 2015

Headlines: 2015 Destinations
25 pupils left us in July 2015 all of which has an offer of further education, employment or training from September 2015. The major headlines were:
- 24% of our leavers had secured a job
- 28% had enrolled on a study programme to bridge the gap between school and College
- 32% had secured a College or 6th form place and were due to start in September
Destinations of CPA pupils leaving in July 2016

Headlines: 2016 Destinations
21 pupils left us in July 2016 all of which has an offer of further education, employment or training from September 2016. The major headlines were:
- Fewer (9%) of our learners went directly into employment as they were able to access higher level courses and remain in education, training or apprenticeships
- 19% had enrolled on a study programme to bridge the gap between school and College – this was less than the year before as a greater proportion of pupils did not need the interim course and went straight on to College
- 48% had secured a College place and were due to start in September – this is largely due to the increased number of qualifications that they gained
- 19% of our learners gained access to an apprenticeship – an increase on the previous year
Destinations of CPA pupils leaving in July 2017

Headlines: 2017 Destinations
19 pupils left us in July 2017 all of which has an offer of further education, employment or training from September 2017. The major headlines were:
- Fewer (5%) of our learners went directly into employment as they were able to access higher level courses and remain in education, training or apprenticeships
- No study programmes were accessed this year as 69% had secured a 6th form or College place and were due to start in September – this is largely due to the increased number of qualifications that they gained
- 21% of our pupils left us to access apprenticeships – these were also higher quality courses than in previous years
We are very proud of the achievements of our pupils. The fact that they have all gone on to achieve placements beyond the age of 16 is a testament to their academic, social and emotional progress as well as the aspirations that grew in them over their time with us.