Why Study Music?
Music inspires creativity – Students are encouraged to broaden their musical horizons and understanding with areas of study that motivate and challenge.
Music offers choice– The range of topics will allow for practical and musical teaching and is designed to cater for a wide range of interests, instruments, personalities, and directions.
Music combines the traditional and modern – There are exciting opportunities for students to study diverse and traditional fields, as well as develop interest in all aspects of their musical heritage.
Music encourages students to experiment – There’s plenty of opportunity to work on their own performing, composing, and listening.
Pupil Voice
“It’s nice learning skills I can use after school”
Who teaches it?
Rebecca Harker an experienced music teacher teaches KS4 Music.
How is it taught?
You will have two 70-minute lessons per week.
What do we learn?
Area of Study 1: My Music
The music performed is to be decided by the Learner. It is expected that the piece performed will be a commercially published or recorded piece of music.
Learners will perform one piece. (This can be on any instrument; voice; D J-ing or sequencing)
Learners will compose one piece for their instrument
Area of Study 2: The Concerto through Time
Learners will study the development of the Concerto, from the Baroque period through to the Romantic period.
Area of Study 3: Rhythms of the World
Learners will explore the traditional rhythmic roots from four geographical regions of the world:
India and Punjab
Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
Central and South America.
Area of Study 4: Film Music
Learners will study:
Music that has been written specifically for film
Music from the Western Classical tradition that has been used within a film
Music that has been written as a soundtrack for a video game.
Area of Study 5: Conventions of Pop
Learners will study a range of popular music from the 1950s to the present day. Learners will study and demonstrate an understanding of:
Rock ‘n’ Roll of the 1950s and 1960s
Rock Anthems of the 1970s and 1980s
Pop Ballads of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s
Solo Artists from the 1990s to the present day.
Where could it lead?
- Music teacher
- Radio work, presenter, technician
- Music therapist
- DJ
- Acting – Shows, TV, Musicals
Singer - Musician/ Performer
- Acoustic engineer/ Sound engineer
Having Music on you C.V. is an admirable qualification that employers or universities are looking for as it tells them something about you. Many doctors, lawyers, scientists, and other professionals have MUSICAL talents. Having studied music tells people that you are self – motivated because you attend rehearsals and practice your instrument/vocal work. It tells them that you are a Team player who can lead and support others, a good listener and can work under stress, meeting deadlines.